Monday, March 7, 2016

An Appreciation of Life

An Appreciation of Life
As many of you may know I had an accident a few weeks ago and I am currently at a rehab facility on 112th street and Amsterdam Avenue called the Amsterdam House. It has been an interesting experience I have a thigh to ankle cast on both legs which makes it difficult to get around.  All things happen for a reason and one of the benefits of my current situation has been the opportunity to reflect on many of the things that we often take for granted; like going to the bath room without help.

We often think about the many obstacles in our lives, we have anxiety about reaching our future goals or we allow thoughts of the past to cause depression, we are very seldom in the present, and we very seldom appreciate the little things in life like going to the bathroom or just waking up in the morning and getting out of bed without help. The few weeks that I have been in rehab at Amsterdam House has allowed me to appreciate these very simple things in life.

I have no doubt that I will leave Amsterdam House with a greater appreciation of life. This experience is allowing me to practice two important Taoist concepts: “Happiness and Healing are both internal”. 

 Nothing outside of self can truly make you happy and all healing starts from within. These concepts my not be easy to process but if you are given the opportunity to internalize the wisdom of these two concepts you will develop a better appreciation of life.

Unconditional love is the greatest healing energy that we all have it is truly a gift from the mind of the universe. It is for this reason if you ever find yourself on the mend from an accident or illness do your best to stay positive try not to allow yourself to sink into the darkness of negative thoughts. Fear and doubt will delay your healing, take it from I am currently putting this theory into practice.

No situation is all bad, look for the benefit that can be found in any tragedy it might not always be easy to find, but it if you look hard enough you will be able to find something of benefit and when you find that light let it overcome your darkness.
It is my hope that perhaps one person will read this and find a way rise from the negative dark thoughts that often attach themselves with illness or tragedy and bring the healing light of unconditional love to them self or someone close to them.

If it was not for my accident I would not have had the insight to write this dialog, so if it can be of benefit to someone it will reinforce my belief that all things happen for a reason and with faith one can bring light to any dark issue.

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