Summer Wellness
June 21st is the official first Day of summer. Ancient Taoist
masters developed wellness theories for each season utilizing the Five Elements
of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Fire. Fire is the element of summer. For those
who wish to use a proactive approach to health I will discuss a few Taoist
concepts for summer health maintenance.
The Heart is
the Yin organ associated with the Fire element of summer and the Small
Intestine is the Yang organ. Mars is the planet, red is the color, love and joy
are positive summer emotions and hate and impatience are negative summer
emotions. I find it interesting that the planet Mars is associated with the
color red and the act of war by many who have little or no understanding of
these ancient Taoist concepts.
attacks are more common in the summer and emotion plays a major part. Negative
emotions such as anger and impatience can be a greater risk to the heart in the
summer. Negative emotions also create
problems for our small intestine. The small intestine is the digestive tract
between the stomach and cecum. Absorption and digestion are not the only
functions of the small intestine; according to Taoist theory the small
intestine also helps the body digest unsettled emotions.
During the
hot summer months negative emotions of anger, worry, sadness, fear and
impatience should be avoided as much as possible. If the small intestine
becomes over loaded with negative emotions it can become unhealthy. An
unhealthy small intestine can cause hormonal and menstrual disorders for women.
It can also develop mucus in the lungs and be the cause of back pain and varicose
We are
familiar with how the negative emotions of anger and sadness can create
problems for a weak heart but worry and fear can also have a negative effect on
the heart. The major problem here is that most are not aware of this build up
until it is too late. That is why it is wise to be proactive don’t wait until
you feel a problem with your health. When you feel something is wrong it is something
that has been building for some time which means in most cases it will take
some time to cure. Harmful negative emotions are due to a lack of control of
the conscience mind. The negative emotions that we carry, emotions that make us
sick are usually a story that plays over and over in our mind. The story in
most likely due to some past experience or a mental prediction of a future issue
that causes fear or worry.
The Harlem
Ki Energy Center can help you develop a proactive approach to summer health thought
meditation classes, and special Ki small intestine organ massage treatments. Ki
treatments can help the small intestine eliminate toxins caused by negative
emotions. Meditation can eliminate negative thoughts which can help develop the
positive summer emotions of love and joy.
Call my
direct line at 646 329-6727 to schedule an appointment at our Harlem wellness
center, don’t wait until you feel something is wrong, I can assure you if you
are reading this dialog toxins are building in your body, by the time you
become aware of the buildup it can be to late.