The Art of War is Peace
I was
introduced to Sun Tzu’s ancient Chinese classic The Art of War in 1968. I was in the United States
Army stationed at Fort Hood Texas. At
this time military intelligence was trying to find answers to explain how an
army of farmers were about to defeat the mighty U.S. military forces in Viet
Nam. Ho Chi Minh’s (founder of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam) famous
answer was “we are defeating the mighty imperialist forces by using “Sun Tzu’s Art of War.” That statement
created a whole new generation of strategists that follow the teachings of
Master Sun.
Over the years I have become a great admirer of the strategic
concepts of this mysterious Taoist warrior-philosopher. The strategic concepts
found in Sun Tzu’s work have had a major influence not only in strategic
military training but also in the national and international business
communities as well.
When teaching my course on Chinese classic like the Art
of War and the I Ching at The City College of New York, I find students at
first have some difficulty in understand how the true art of war is peace. According
to the teachings of Master Sun, How to win without fighting is the foundation
of his strategy.
I always recommend reading the Art of War translated by Thomas Cleary who explains Master Sun’s
teachings this way “This ideal strategy whereby one could win without fighting
accomplish the most by doing the least, bears the characteristic stamp of
Taoism, the ancient tradition of knowledge that fostered both the healing arts
and the martial arts in China.”
In Cleary’s introduction he captures the spirit of this
classic book of strategy by writing about an ancient Taoist story where a lord
of China asked his physician, a member of a family of healers, which of them
was the most skilled in the art.
The physician
whose reputation was such that his name became synonymous with medical science
in China, replied, “My eldest brother sees the spirit of sickness and removes
it before it takes shape, so his name does not get out of the house.
“My elder brother cures sickness when it is still
extremely minute, so his name does not get out of the neighborhood. As for me,
I puncture veins, prescribe potions, and massage skin, so from time to time my
name gets out and is heard among the lords.”
This story follows Master Sun’s concept of deep knowledge,
according to the writings of Master Sun “Deep knowledge is to be aware of
disturbance before disturbance, to be aware of danger before danger, to be
aware of destruction before destruction, to be aware of calamity before
calamity. Strong action is training the body without being burdened by the
body, exercising the mind without being used by the mind, working in the world
without being affected by the world, carrying out task without being obstructed
by tasks.”Master Sun also writes that “With deep knowledge of principle, one can change disturbance into order, change danger into safety, change destruction into survival, change calamity into fortune. By strong action on the Way, one can bring the body to the realm of longevity, bring the mind to the sphere of mystery, bring the world to great peace, and bring tasks to great fulfillment”.
The true Art of War is peace both external and internal.
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