Thursday, July 2, 2015

Psychic Spiritual Wellness Strategies

Psychic Spiritual Wellness Strategies
I have been on a psychic spiritual wellness journey for over 20 years in that time I have explored many different holistic wellness strategies that have allowed me to understand that there are many options available to an individual interested in using natural healing methods to improve their quality of life. I became a certified Aruvedia practitioner in 1995. In 2000 I became the first African-American Korean Taoist master trained in an ancient Ki Energy healing system known in America as Kido (the way of Ki). I studied Goju Karate for over 30 years reaching the rank of Kyoshi or Sixth Dan (also known as a six degree Black Belt).

I have written numerous articles over the years providing information on the many different wellness and healing strategies that I have researched. The main reason for the articles was my understanding that no one healing method can be considered a universal healing strategy. The only universal truth that I have discovered in my journey is that when the mind, body and spirit can become balanced healing and wellness will manifest.
There are many roads one may take on the path of wellness and it is for this reason I have developed the concept of Psychic Spiritual Wellness Therapy.

Psychic Spiritual Wellness Therapy is a method to help individuals to explore different wellness strategy options. Options, that one can use to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit. My years of training and research can help individuals better understand their inner healing powers and how to make use of external wellness tools to enhance the healing abilities that we all have. All healing flows from the inside out no matter what healing strategy option you choose. All internal healing starts with the subconscious mind either directly or indirectly.

A goal of Psychic Spiritual Wellness Therapy is to help the individual to train the conscious mind to work directly with the subconscious mind for the purpose of healing. This will take for most a period of time to deprogram the conscious mind that has been programed to act and think on the foundation of fear and doubt. The average person is not aware that they have been programed how to think about themselves and others from a very early age. In most cases the emotional stress that is a result of that programing is the root cause of their potential or current health issues. The first step towards deprograming is to acknowledge that you have been programed; Psychic Spiritual Therapy will help an individual to do this.

If you or someone close to you would be interested in a Psychic Spiritual Therapy session call my direct line at the New York Ki Energy center at 646 329-6727 or send an email to 

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