The Agreement of Truth
What we
understand and believe to be true today is based upon an agreement. When the
agreement of what is true changes what we understand and believe to be true
today may not be true tomorrow. There was a time in Europe where there was an
agreement that the world was flat. The truth was based upon an understanding
and belief of an agreement. When it was proven that the world was not flat. The
agreement changed and so did the understanding of the truth about the world.
create laws based upon agreement, when the numbers of individuals that disagree
with a current law is greater than those that agree; the laws will change,
because of the change in agreement of the majority which will also create a
change in what is understood to be true. Trying to change an agreement of truth
in organized religion was always a dangerous business though-out history.
During the
time of Galileo the leaders of the Catholic Church were in agreement that the
sun revolved around the earth. This agreement was understood and believed to be
true. Galileo tried to change the agreement about the earth and the sun. Even
after the agreement changed and the truth about the sun and the earth changed,
it took the church 300 years to forgive Galileo for trying to change their
agreement of the truth.
When we
reflect upon the truth of who we are, is it based on an internal agreement of
our self-worth or is our truth based on an external socially programed
agreement of who and what we are. If you desire to change your life chances and
opportunities but feel stuck; you must change your agreement of what you
believe is true about yourself and your abilities.
We are
moving into a time of clarity and a change in many of the agreements that
people considered to be true. I may seem overly optimistic by many when I say
that I believe a greater number of individuals throughout the world are
starting to embrace a spiritual oneness within themselves and their external
environment than ever before in modern history.
I believe the
future will bring a change in many agreements that have long been considered
true about, wellness, politics, religion, wealth and humans as an evolving
species in this universe. We all know what’s true for some may not be true for
others. It is all about the agreement.
are hard to change but the truth about anything is based on an individual or
group agreement. Some will never change what they agree to be true individually
or as a group. Nature is selective adapting to change is the key to survival.
What does
all this mean to you? What you understand to be true about yourself, your
environment, your abilities are agreed upon truths that can change if the
agreement changes. It is important to understand that you most have faith to
change your agreement of truth about yourself and others. It is important to see what you believe is
true for what it really is, an agreement; an agreement that can be changed.
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