The Gift of Three Minds
We were
created with the gift of three minds the conscious mind, the subconscious mind,
and the superconscious mind. The gift of three minds, allows humans to
transform illusionary thoughts into material form. Everything in our three
dimensional world was first a thought.
Your thoughts can bring balance and harmony to your internal and
external environment. Thoughts can also
bring disharmony and imbalances into our lives. Those who learn to understand and practice
using this wonderful gift will have an advantage in navigating the next stage
of human evolution that is now underway.
conscious mind is who you believe you are. It is the force that governs the
five senses, it discriminates between good and bad, and it controls most of our
voluntary muscles. The conscious mind feels and reasons and is in charge of all
of our mental abilities. Many people only identify with the conscious mind
which in most cases has been programed into thinking a certain way. The
conscious mind is also the first step towards thought manifestation it opens
the door to the subconscious.
subconscious mind controls the workings of the body; man has yet to build a
computer that can calculate as fast as the subconscious. The circulation of our
internal vital energy is controlled by your subconscious. All of the
involuntary functions of the body is controlled by the subconscious mind. It
controls all cell life, nutrition, excretions
and waste. The subconscious does not reason it follows the reasoning of
the conscious mind. Everything you have ever experienced in life is recorded by
the subconscious mind. It is also the link to the superconscious mind.
superconscious mind is your connection
to the mind of the universe. The universal mind is the source of all
intelligence that brings balance to our universe. It has always been the
foundation for the manifestation of material form. We all are part of it and it is part of us
and your superconscious is the link to its creative powers. The role of the
superconscious mind has been keep secret for centuries. A focused thought
placed in our conscious mind absent of fear and doubt will developed an
impression on the subconscious mind. A conscious vision of that thought will
allow the subconscious mind to transfer that thought to the superconscious mind
our link to the universal mind of creation and manifestation. This process has been used for every creation
in your life positive or negative. We all have been programed to allow fear and
doubt to prevent our ability to use the coordinated power of our three minds to
improve the quality of life for ourselves and for others. It is important to respect the power of
I will
discuss this concept in more detail during
my four week workshop March 29th to April 26th part of City College’s continuing and professional
Studies semester. The title for the work shop is “ Taoism: A Practical Approach
to Ancient Wisdom for Health and Longevity”. For registration information and
more details on the spring workshop call 212 650-7312 or online at
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