Prayer Therapy
When we pray
who are we praying to? Most will say that we are praying to God for help,
guidance and abilities. Over the centuries organized religion has confused the
concept of prayer due a confused concept of God. Wars are still being fought to
prove whose God is the greatest. Man’s interpretation of God has all too often
been used to determine when and how one prays. Many have moved from a religious
interpretation of God to a spiritual interpretation of God; making prayer
therapy more of an act of faith then a religious act.
A spiritual
interpretation of God allows one to understand that God is no different than
gravity there is no discrimination; if a Jew, a Muslim and a Christen jump off
a roof the universal law of gravity will apply to each one. The ancient
Egyptians considered God to be energy or The All. Modern science has proven
that all things are energy and that energy is all things. Ancient profits
considered the human body to be the Temple of God. Most where put to death and
temples were built to worship them.
In prayer
therapy the subconscious mind is considered to be the human connection to God
or the mind of the universe. Joseph Murphy describes prayer therapy in has book
Power of Your Subconscious Mind, this way: “Prayer therapy is the
synchronized, harmonious, and intelligent function of the conscious and
subconscious levels of mind specifically directed for a definite purpose”.
Murphy goes
on to say “In prayer therapy you consciously choose a certain idea, mental
picture, or plan which you desire to experience. You realize your capacity to
convey this idea or mental image to your subconscious by feeling the reality of
the state assumed. As you remain faithful in your mental attitude, your prayer
will be answered”. The key word is faith.
In prayer
therapy which is also called scientific prayer one must have faith that humans
were created with a gift of thought manifestation. If you can allow yourself to
believe that you have this ability your concept of prayer will change. The most
important thing to understand is that you have used this ability all your life.
The mental pictures that you convey to your subconscious based on your beliefs
have often manifested in your life. All too often many of our mental pictures
have been based on fear and doubt rather than faith and compassion.
therapy is an important self-healing tool. Murphy states that “Any method which
causes you to move from fear and worry to faith and expectancy will heal”. I
find that when working with people who come to our Ki Energy wellness center in
Harlem that the Taoist method of prayer therapy plays an important part in the
long term journey of understanding how to self-heal.
I invite you
to call me at 646 329-6727 to schedule an appointment to visit our wellness
center to learn more about this subject. You can also visit my blog at
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