Sacred Commerce 2017
By: William A Rogers
About a year
ago a friend Johnanne Winchester
suggested that I read a book titled “Sacred Commerce” by Ayman Sawaf and Rowan
Gabrielle. Johnanne’s mission is to create a global awareness that health,
prosperity and the pursuit of happiness are gifts that should not be limited to
just a few in the world, but can be realized by greater numbers in the world
“Sacred commerce is the “party-cipation” of
the community in exchange of information, goods, and services that contributes
to the revealing of the divine (beauty, goodness, and truth) in all and where
spirituality is the bottom line”; according to the research of Sawaf and
Gabrielle. Profit is the only bottom line in commerce as we know it today.
There are four bottom lines in sacred commerce, they are: people, planet,
profit and spirituality.
commerce is not a new age concept its practice can be traced back to ancient
Egypt around 1500BC where a Merchant Priesthood was developed under the reign
of Queen Hatshepsut to practice and teach it. Similar to the wisdom in the 7
principles of the Kybalion (see the sacred commerce concept has been keep from the
masses. Moving out of Egypt and carried to the East by the prophet Mohammad
into Europe by the Knights Templar and preserved by the Freemasons for
As we
continue our journey of human development many of the secrets and concepts of
our past have started to reappear to guide us into the future. The ancient
concept of reintroducing spirituality into commerce, creating goods and
services not only for self-profit, but
to the benefit of people and the planet will again be taught to the masses by a
new cadre of merchant priest. I believe the positive reinforcement of this new
way of doing business will allow a greater number of people to experience the
gift of abundance.
The gift of
abundance is having access to resources you need; at the time you need them. It
has nothing to do with stockpiling money or assets. Abundance can then open
other avenues of expression such as positive relationships, creativity, and the
pursuit of happiness and spirituality; as stated in the Sawaf/Gabrielle book.
The sacred
commerce concept my seem unrealistic in today’s market place but keep in mind
it was the concept that built the foundation of commerce as we know it today,
it has taken a back seat to greed, power and material passion. Times are
changing, if you are reading this perhaps you have been selected to become a
merchant priest, that will learn to use and teach others the ancient concept of
bring spirituality back into commerce for the betterment of humankind.
I believe
the tremendous growth of the natural health wellness business is due to the
return of the spiritual energy of sacred commerce. The ability to conduct a
business that can positively affect people and the planet will provide abundance
in profit because it will allow a new cadre of merchant priest a greater
ability to tap into their spiritually driven powers of manifestation.
It was for this
reason I created the Onuwon Wellness Group and became a licensed distributor of
Nspire Network Wellness products. to learn more about my business which is
focused on the concepts of sacred commerce visit my website at, or send an email to
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