Thursday, April 6, 2017

Spring Detoxifying

Spring Detoxifying
By: William A Rogers

The Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) are the foundation for Taoist healing strategies. Each element has a different energy vibration and frequency in relationship to vital organs, planets, directions, seasons, taste, color and a host of other relationships that ancient Taoist sages connected to each of the five elements in order to better understand the human body.  Wood is the element related to spring.

The two vital organs connected to the Wood element are the Liver (yin) and the Gall Bladder (yang). Jupiter is the planet and east is the direction. Spring is the season; sour is the taste and green is the color. Wood is the element of infancy. We often relate to spring as a time to clean and make new. Spring is an important time for detoxifying the Liver and Gall Bladder the Wood organs.

The Gall Bladder is a pear shaped sack located in a depression under the liver on your right side.  The function of the, Gall Bladder is to store and concentrate bile until it is needed in the small intestine for digestion. The bile breaks down fats in food.  If the Gall Bladder gets congested with bile salts or bacteria; the bile will isolate it and form a pearl-like stone around it.  You do not want this to happen. Irritability and uptightness can weaken the Gall Bladder in the spring.

The Liver stores large quantities of blood, minerals, and vitamins. The liver produces bile salts which are distributed by the Gall Bladder into the small intestine to absorb fats from the food that we eat. The Liver also stores all the toxins, poisons, chemicals, and drugs that the body takes in. The Liver then breaks down poisons chemically into less toxic compounds that can be easily eliminated. Toxins stay in the liver a long time. If the amount of toxic becomes too high gallstones can develop. Anger and frustration can weaken the liver in the spring.

There are many ways to start a spring detox strategy a very easy and inexpensive way is to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon every morning.  There are many benefits that can come from a daily practice of drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon here are a few: detoxification of the liver, aids digestion, balances pH levels, stimulation of nerve and brain functions, relief from respiratory issues, and weight loss.
If you visit the Ki Energy Center a Ki treatment is another wonderful way to begin your spring detox strategy. 

Starting in April the Ki Center will offer a special Ki treatment package for women as part of this year’s Harlem Holistic Wellness Week (April 29th – May 6th ) The theme of this year’s holistic wellness week is “Discovering Holistic Wellness Options for Women”
For further information call 646 329-6727

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