Sunday, March 17, 2013

Proactive Wellness Strategies

Proactive Wellness Strategies
By Tony Rogers

We have been led to believe that we only go to the doctor when we are ill. For many medical help is not sort after until the third stage of illness. We are all in the first stage of illness due to the food that we eat, the air that we breathe, the water that we drink and the products that we use. It is very difficult to get away from the toxins that lay dormant in our body.
In the second stage of illness is when we feel that something is not right but it is not bad enough to seek medical help. It’s something that needs to be looked into when we can get around to it or when it gets worse. In the third stage of illness we know we have to get medical help from our doctor or the emergency room of our local hospital. 

In the fourth stage we are taken to the hospital and by this time it could be too late.
Currently there is a larger profit in cure then in prevention a major reason why your own health strategies in prevention can no longer be put aside until you can find the time. There is a shocking DVD out titled “Genetic Roulette” a film by bestselling author Jeffrey M. Smith and narrated by Lisa Oz. It talks about the alarming evidence that shows how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) found in much of the food we eat; can be traced to the rising disease rates in the United States. Warning it will make you think twice about eating foods I am sure you like.

When you add stress to all of this the ability to avoid illness is not great. Over 90% of illnesses in the United States can be traced back to stress. It is way passed the time not to be proactive with your health. The need to bring balance to mind, body and spirit has never been greater. Meditation, yoga, Tai Chi and Ki training are important steps to consider in developing a preventive wellness strategy.
Holistic health programs are becoming major paths taken by many who seek to take control of their proactive wellness options. I am working with a few groups in the wellness community in Harlem to coordinate the first annual Harlem Holistic Wellness Week, Saturday April 27th to Saturday May 4th.

The week-long celebration will high light the many options available that one might take to begin a proactive holistic wellness program. The week will begin on April 27th with the annual celebration of International World Tai Chi Day in Saint Nicolas Park at 135th street and end on May 4th at the second annual City College Holistic Wellness Expo.

I invite anyone interested in learning about ways to improve their ability to balance mind, body and spirit to call me directly at 646 329-6727 and schedule a visit to the New York Ki Energy Wellness Center in Harlem. Remember we all are in the first stage of illness we breathe, eat and drink toxins every day.  Be proactive not reactive with your health, the life you save maybe your own.

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