Tuesday, June 21, 2011



If you are African-American chances are you know of a family member, a friend, or an associate who has had a stroke. The reason is alarming: according to the National Stroke Association African- Americans are more impacted by stroke than any other racial group in America. Statistics tell us that one half of all African-American women will die from stroke or heart disease. African-Americans between the ages of 20 and 44 years old are 2.4 times more likely to have a stroke compared to Caucasians in the same age group.

High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and obesity are four of the major causes of a stroke. Each of the four can be addressed, and education on ways to address these Big Four health issues can save lives. For the past three years The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce (GHCC) and Harlem Week Inc. have coordinated community-based programs and activities addressing health issues that lead to stroke.

On Sunday, June 12th, the directors, members and friends of GHCC

and Harlem Week hosted a benefit for Marko Nobles, vice

chairperson of Harlem Week Inc. Marko is in his early forties and

suffered a stroke a few months ago and is now in rehabilitation

therapy. It was a great event. If you know Marko and couldn't

be there you can still help by calling 212 862-7200 or visit


On Tuesday July 12th, Harold Sharp, a stroke survivor, will host

the first Harlem Stroke Survivors support group meeting, from 4-

6:30pm at the Harlem State Office Building, located at 163 West 125th Street. This will be the first of a series of meetings to provide stroke survivors and their families with information, speakers, and a network of support options.

Harold found Ki Energy treatments helpful in his rehabilitation

therapy strategy. He invited my wife, Laura Abadsantos-Rogers,

a Ki master, to speak at the July 12th event. I have treated a

number of stroke survivors at the Harlem Ki Energy clinic, located

at 13 West 122nd Street. For information on Ki treatments and

energy training call 646 329-6727.

Ki treatments can improve blood circulation and remove energy

blockages. A stroke occurs when the arteries that carry blood to

different parts of the brain become blocked or burst. Energy

moves blood through the body and energy treatments and training

exercises help balance the flow of energy.

There are a number of Holistic approaches that address the

prevention and treatment of stroke. Homoeopathy is an option

many turn to. Laura will also speak about the Homoeopathic

approach to stroke at the July 12th meeting. Laura is a

homoeopathic practitioner. You can learn more about this

approach if you visit www.nyshomeopathy.com. You can also find

holistic approaches to strokes at www.regenerativenutrition.com.

If you remember the word FAST - which stands for face, arms,

speech and time - you can save a life. If a person cannot smile, or

lift both arms or has slurred speech call 911 fast. Let's all learn to

educate and help each other.

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