Thursday, February 16, 2017

Network Marketing 2017

Network Marketing 2017                    
When many people hear the term “network marketing” what comes to mind is a business where only a few at the top make money while the majority in the business will not. That is where the term pyramid comes from. Network marketing is not a pyramid scheme which is illegal.

Network marketing should not be mistaken for the old multilevel marketing systems that made you buy loads of merchandise to sell to friends and family; merchandise that still maybe in the closet or in storage.  Memories of those bad experiences are hard to forget, and I have a few myself.

Online marketing has changed the business model for network marketing throughout the world. The Internet has made network marketing a vehicle for financial freedom in the 21st century and beyond.When you combine a good network marketing system with the advantages of the internet you provide business opportunities for anyone no matter the sex, race, age, education or past business experiences.   

A good online marketing system can provide a person with no business or marketing background an opportunity  to build a local, national and in many cases an international customer base in a short period of time with the right product.

If you visit my blog at you will find that I have a similar article titled “Network Marketing” I wrote four years ago in 2013. I understood then the value of online marketing, I just could not find the right product and the right marketing system that worked for me; until a few weeks ago.

For the past three years, every spring I produce a community holistic health awareness campaign “Harlem Holistic Wellness Week” (HHWW).  This year’s HHWW community wellness awareness campaign will start on Saturday April 29th and the theme for this year’s wellness awareness week is “Discovering New Wellness Options for Women”. 

I encourage wellness organizations, practitioners and businesses to send me information relating to the weeks theme to be promoted.
I received information from an associate about a company named Nspire Network ( who will launch an online marketing product on March 4th.  A product that will improve the quality of life and in some cases, save the lives of thousands of women globally. This product will also help make a positive impact on the environment. 

The product is an organic bio-degradable sanitary napkin called “Cherish”. What will set Cherish apart from similar organic sanitary napkins is a patented all-natural negative ion strip. There is an article on my blog about the positive ways that negative ions affect our body or you can google negative ions/health benefits.

After a bit of research I was shocked to learn that many of the toxic chemicals, dyes and plastics used in the unregulated manufacturing  of  sanitary napkins (a  billion dollar industry) have been considered to be a possible foundation for many of the health issues that women face including; fibroids, urinary tract infection, hormonal imbalance and Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Nspire Network has developed an online awareness and education marketing program to complement their online business marketing model for a product that you or someone you know must purchase every month. It did not take me long to realize that the Nspire Network’s woman’s health awareness program was a good fit for this year’s HHWW holistic health awareness campaign. I also realized the business opportunity for this online marketing system.

Online network marking is a business model of the future, with the right product and the right system it can create a substantial residual income.  I invite you to join me in exploring this new business opportunity. There is a no cost pre-registration period between now and the March 4th American launch of “Cherish”. Individuals interested in getting a head start with this new business model should send an email to

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