The Other Side of Zero
We live in a
three dimensional slower than the speed of light world of form. Albert
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Energy=Mass and the Speed of Light Squared
(E=MC2) proved that everything in our universe is vibrating energy. An energy
mass vibrating slower than the speed of light can have form which allows it to
become a part of our three dimensional world. Einstein’s Theory enhanced the
early discovery by Nikola Tesla of Zero Point Energy, the energy source that
creates our three dimensional universe.
The question
of what is on the other side of Zero Point Energy is, bringing Quantum Physics
and Ancient Spiritual Philosophies together, it is called the Spiritual Science
Movement. The invisible world is a term often used in Taoist writings. The
invisible world or Spiritual world is considered to be a dimension where
individuals can consciously or unconsciously tap into.
With the
discovery of Tachyon Energy in 1977, we now know that energy can move from a
formless zero point energy dimension into our three dimensional world of form. The
possibility of the existence of other dimensions is a growing line of research
in Quantum Physics. Energy never dies, it will only change form. In Taoism, the
energy of your ancestors exist in the invisible or spiritual world, science is
now saying that the energy of your ancestors could possibility exist in a
different dimension.
I do not
believe that the death of a loved one is the end, I believe that we can
consciously or unconsciously tap into the energy of a loved ones who are no
longer in our three dimensional world of form. I often like to share these
thoughts around the holiday season. We often think about friends and family who
are no longer in this dimension around this time. For some it can be a time of
sadness, but it should not be.
The energy
of unconditional love has a very high frequency it is the foundation of our Ki
Energy treatments at our center. It is also your way to move from this three
dimensional world into the spiritual world. You can connect to the energy of your
ancestors when this happens. It could be during meditation or in a dream but
many people have experienced a form of communication with their ancestors and
loved ones who have transitioned.
I have learned that fear and doubt can
prevent us from accepting the possibility that communication can be made with
spiritual energy outside of our world. Up until recently many would find it
difficult to accept this as a rational conversation. Science is now saying
there are unlimited possibilities waiting to be discovered on the other side of
I believe
during this time of year the ability to tap into different dimensions of energy
is intensified and can cause depression for those who are not aware. I suggest
this is the time to embrace the memories, and feelings we have of loved ones
who are no longer with us in this world. We are all vibrating forms of energy,
and energy never dies it just changes form, I truly believe that there is life
on the other side of zero, a place where there is no beginning and no end. With
love and faith all things are possible.
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