Friday, July 12, 2013

Sex and Longevity

Sex and Longevity

There have been numerous scientific studies on the benefits of healthy sexual activity. Longevity has been one of the most encouraging outcomes in much of the research reported on this subject. A recent study on the positive relationship between sexual activity and longevity was conducted by Dr. David Weeks a British psychologist and former director of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

After over 10 years of research Dr. Weeks concludes that sexual pleasure is a crucial factor in preserving youth. At a speaking engagement at the British Psychological Society, Dr. Weeks stated that his findings suggest that: sex releases a human growth hormone that helps keep the elasticity in the skin which prevents wrinkles and gives the skin a healthy glow, sex can improve the circulation of the blood, which is good for the heart. Week’s research also showed evidence that sex burns fat and can release chemicals that strengthens the immune system.

Taoist masters have studied the health benefits of sexual energy for thousands of years. In my workshops on this subject I often use Daniel P. Reid’s book titled “The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity. I also use three other important books that provide detailed information on the use of sexual energy to preserve the quality of life, especially for older people. The three books are “Taoist Yoga” by Lu K’uan Yu, “Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia and Michael Winn:” and” Heal Love through the Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy” by Mantak and Maneewan Chia.

It is important to understand that the Western Judeo-Christian programed concept of guilt and sin attached to sex has prevented many from associating sex with health and wellbeing. Research done by Dr. Weeks and many others in the medical and scientific community, is now challenging the traditional Western hypocrisy towards sex; which is opening the doors to a positive approach to the health benefits of human sexuality.

There are many techniques that individuals can learn that will allow for the cultivating of human sexual energy which is your vital life energy force, without it your quality of life will deteriorate. Learning ways to cultivate and use your vital sexual energy is important for both young and old. The above listed books can provide a more detailed outline of ways to cultivate and use this vital energy to improve the quality of your life.

If you would like more information on this subject I suggest first picking up the Reid book. I will cover this subject in my fall workshop at City College titled the “Practical Use of Taoism for Health and Longevity” call the college at 212 650-7312 for dates and time. You can also schedule an appointment with me at the Harlem Ki Energy Center by calling my direct line at 646 329-6727

The direct or indirect attachment of guilt and sin with human sexual energy has prevented many, the ability or desire to learn how to cultivate and use their vital human sexual energy to improve the quality of their lives. All things happen for a reason if you are reading this dialogue I suggest you research this subject further with an open mind.





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