Sunday, November 20, 2011

If you follow my articles in this column or on my blog at you know that in 2000 I completed my training in the mountains of South Korea to become the first African-American Korean Chundo Taoist Ki Energy master. South Korea has a strong foundation in the Taoist philosophy if you Google the South Korean national flag you will see that it has the Taoist Yin-Yang symbol along with four of the Taoist Eight Gate Fire, Water, Heaven and Earth.
Over the years my relationship with Chundo Taoist masters who live in America has been extremely helpful in introducing Korean wellness products to those who read my articles or visit the New York Ki Energy Center which is now located in Harlem.  The latest products that I have been talking and writing about come from a Korean company named Atomy. The foundation for the Atomy products comes from over 10 years of research conducted by the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI).  The focus of the ten year research project was to use high level scientific experiments to create natural practical use products. 
I have been using the Atomy products for a little over a month and I plan to start replacing my home care, and skin care products with the scientifically developed natural herbal based Atomy products.  I will talk a little about them but first I would like to talk about an Atomy wellness product called HemoHim.  This herbal health tonic was produced to boost the human immune system making, it a patient natural anti-cancer activity agent that also protects the body from oxidative damage.
Answer Bag explains oxidative damage this way if you cut an apple in half and wipe lemon juice on half and let both half’s set in the open the apple without the lemon juice will turn brown. The apple with the lemon will not turn brown because of the lemon’s anti-oxidant properties. Oxygen exposure burns the cells in apples and humans. HemoHim works like the lemon for the human bodies external and internal cells. In other words research has shown that the HemoHim tonic can slow down the human cell ageing process; making this anti-cancer/anti-ageing tonic very popular with the baby boomer community.
Other Atomy products include an herbal non-irritative dish washing detergent that can also be used to wash fruits and vegetables. An herbal based aloe vera and avocado based shampoo that removes contaminants from the hair. A honey and herbal based tooth paste and a number of other scientifically developed natural herbal products.
If you would like to learn more or try some of these products visit you will need this user code :731219 and guest pass word: 0919 to get into the site it is free to join to get member discounts.  Atomy is a multi-level marketing  company that might be of interest to some do to the reasonable prices for such unique high quality products.  I am more interested in the product then the business opportunity although everybody that has tried one of the products has joined to purchase more. I strongly suggest you take a look at the Atomy site.

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