Monday, February 18, 2013

Your Hidden Power

Your Hidden Power

We all have the power to manifest our thoughts into reality; many consider it a hidden power because so many people are not aware that they have it. I have been asked numerous times why I write about this so often, my answer is simple many people suffer due to the lack of this knowledge. Thought manifestation happens whether you are aware of it or believe in it are not. What you think about often has the potential of becoming your reality.
If you spend too much of your time dwelling on what you do not have you will attract more of what you don’t want. Yes I write about the power of attraction a lot also because it is real. When people visit our stress management wellness clinic I find that in all too many cases the main cause of their anxiety comes from self-inflicted wounds caused by negative thinking. The first step towards stress management and wellness is learning how to let go of your negative thoughts about yourself, your life situation whatever it might be, and your relationship with others.
One of my favorite Taoist authors Wu Wei often writes about all things being beneficial. It has taking me some time to truly understand the wisdom of that statement but it is a profound way to live and accept life as a never ending lesson in personal development. It is very important to think about how you would like your life to be. If you find yourself drowning in self-pity and a state of depression because your life is not going the way you wish. Force yourself to visualize how you would like your life to be.
It is important to keep the image of what you want in your life in your thoughts and be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity to change your life when it comes to you. Thought manifestation is real but you must have the faith to act on the opportunity to change your life when it materializes. All too often thought manifestation has presented an opportunity but the lack of faith has prevented many from having the courage to act; and you must act to bring your dreams into reality.
Another important universal law to understand is that all things happen when they are supposed to. This is very important to understand and accept to prevent you from giving up. Never give up your dream always be prepared to take advantage of the opportunity when it presents itself. You must learn to reject fear and doubt and embrace faith and courage. If you are able to do this while keeping your vision of where you want to be alive in your thoughts, the universal mind will reward you. Perhaps not exactly how you visualized it to be or when you wanted it to be, but you will understand it when it happens. Be aware of your hidden power and use it wisely.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013



During the winter months it is not unusual for many people to experience a state of depression especially when it is very cold like it has been for the past few days many people are not aware that they are in a mental state of depression some of the emotional symptoms are a loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, feelings of guilt and worthlessness in some extreme cases thoughts of death or suicide can enter the mind. Some physical signs of depression can be changes in sleep habits, difficulty in concentrating or making decisions, lack of energy and in some people a loss of appetite and weight loss.
Many seek professional help and depending on the level of depression that may be advisable but all too often medication is the approach to address issues that can be addressed in a more natural way. Extreme systems should always be addressed by a professional but many depressed states can be dealt with be changing the way one thinks and acts.  The mind can create stories that are only true if you accept them to be true. The majority of people have the ability to control the way that they think with a bit of practice.  We can change the story in our head as easy as turning the channel on your TV from a show that you don’t like to a show that you do.
Let’s say something happen that was not pleasant after the unpleasant experience we often replay the story of the unpleasant experience over and over again in our mind. The story is connected to emotions and can last for years creating feelings of anger, guilt or sadness depending on how we allow the story to develop in our mind. The story is always worse then what actually happen. In some cases you might not remember what actually happen you just have an emotionally attached story in your head that is probably making you ill or depressed.
If you find yourself in this situation I advise you to let it go. Letting negative thoughts and stories about unpleasant experiences go is a positive way to address depression that you can do yourself. Don’t allow yourself to be the victim there is no power in being a victim. Something happen let it go move on don’t bring your past into your future. Thoughts are connected to emotions if you find yourself having negative thoughts change the channel think about something positive think about someone or some place that will allow you to feel good. You have the power to create stories why create stories that bring you down when you find yourself going in a negative direction stop and say I ‘am not going to do this to myself and I don’t have to if I don’t want to. You will be surprised at what happens.  Meditation and mind, body, spirit exercises are excellent ways to address negative thinking. Call me at 646 329-6727 to schedule a visit to the Ki Energy Center if you would like to learn how.